Phil’s family now ‘all in’ for greyhound racing in Townsville

9 December 2024



Townsville | Townsville Greyhound Racing Club | 6:39 pm

HARA'S HERBIE AT STUD Townsville Young Guns H

Back Again
T: Steven Scott
Showtime Piper
T: Tony Parker
Flying In Style
T: Rhonda Essery

By Pat McLeod

North Queensland conditioner Phil Rudall’s love of greyhound racing is flowing through the generations.

His son Ross has experienced a successful start to his training career this year, while eight-year-old grandson Jaxon has already informed his Townsville teachers that he has decided that he won’t be going to university because he plans to be a greyhound trainer.

“Yes, the whole family is now involved and really loving it,” the 46-year-old Ross said.

“Jaxon can’t wait to get his handler’s licence and is already heavily involved with the dogs. My girlfriend Louise also now has her handler’s licence, as does mum (Gerda).”

Of course, the passion for greyhound racing stems from Phil, now 73 years of age, who returned to the sport this year after successful stints as a trainer in Melbourne and in Townsville.

“I am probably loving the sport more now than what I expected,” Phil said.

“The highlight this time around has been doing it with my son and also having the whole family involved.”

Ross explains the spark that ignited the Rudalls’ greyhound return happened by chance.

The Rudall kennel after Lektra Bolt won the Townsville Young Guns crown earlier this year. Pictures: Louise Partland.

“About a year ago I just happened to run into someone involved with greyhounds while I was out with Louise,” Ross says.

“That got me thinking and soon after I said to dad, “Let’s get back into it.”

About a year later they are all now based out of a fully functional 19-acre greyhound property at Nome in Townsville.

Phil has been quickly back into stride, with his stats for 2024 at 120 starts for 30 wins and 33 placings.

Ross began his training career with a flurry.

With his first five starters from September 27, he recorded three wins and two seconds.

The two dogs responsible for such a successful start, Hopefully Fast and Mischke, will be Ross’ two starters in Tuesday night’s five Townsville Young Guns Heats over 380 metres.

Phil will also have two starters in the heats - Showtime Donald and Showtime Thor.

Kennel patriarch Phil says all four dogs should be ‘competitive’ in the heats.

“Both of mine are very quick, but let themselves down with their box manners,” Phil said.

“I would certainly be happier if they jumped a lot better. But, I am working on that right now and we will see if they improve. There are no guarantees.”

Hopefully Fast
Showtime Donald
Showtime Thor

Ross believes the best chance of the four from the Rudall kennel is Hopefully Fast.

“Obviously anything can happen on the day, however whenever ‘Hope’ races she always appears to be a strong chance of doing well," Ross said. 

“Mischke is improving with every run. In fact, they both are, which is exciting.”

Ross was a talented basketball player as a youngster, gaining a start in the American college basketball system out of Atlanta, Georgia.

An ankle injury reduced that association to just the one season, however he returned to Australia with a unique insight into the then-fledgling IT world in the United States and successfully started his own business in that field.

However, the one recurring constant in his life has been greyhound racing.

“I would help dad with the dogs when I was very young in Melbourne,” Ross explains.

“Then I did the same in Townsville. Now I am rapt that we are involved again.”

Other than the five Young Guns heats on Tuesday night at the Townsville Showgrounds track, there will also be four heats of the Anniversary Cup over 498 metres.



Townsville | Townsville Greyhound Racing Club | 2:14 pm

T.G.B.O.T.A 5th Grade H

Showtime Donald
T: Phillip Rudall
T: Ross Rudall
Gas It Up
T: Gary Farrell