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Get Involved


Before you can own a greyhound, you need to be a registered owner or syndicate member with the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC).

No fee is required to register as an owner or syndicate member.

To gain a greyhound Ownership licence:

Click here to register a syndicate via QRIC. 



Greyhounds can be purchased as pups, or as mature greyhounds in training to race.

Most pups are sold at around three to six months of age and usually begin racing at around 22 months. A pup will cost approximately $5,500 to $8,500.

Prices vary greatly and doing some research into successful bloodlines, or getting advice from people in the industry, can help you identify pups that are well bred and should have a better than average chance of winning races.

On top of your initial outlay, you can expect to spend around $5,000 in expenses getting your greyhound to the racetrack.

Below is an estimate of the expenses when you buy a pup:

  • Three months: Buy pup (approximately $7,500);
  • Three to 14 months: Rearing - $90 per week for 48 weeks (approximate minimum $2,880);
  • 14 to 16 months: Early education fees for a period of four to six weeks - $150 per week (approximate minimum $400);
  • 16 to 17 months: Spelling - $60 per week for eight weeks ($480);
  • 18 to 20 months: Pre-training - $100 - $120 per week for 12 weeks (approximate minimum $1,200);
  • Annual booster $50-$60; and
  • Naming costs $50.

Estimated total: $12,500



You can find out more about buying a pup in Queensland by contacting a greyhound racing club in your area and talking to a knowledgeable person.

They will be able to point you in the right direction for finding a pup and suggest professional people to assist with rearing and training your greyhound.


Queensland Greyhound Racing Clubs:



Greyhounds are very durable and if kept sound can race over 100 times in their career. They usually commence racing after one-and-a-half years in age, reaching their peak between two-and-a-half and three-and-a-half, and are generally retired by the time they are five.

Single greyhound events in Queensland are worth between $1,000 and $4,725 to the winner. Considering how many times a greyhound can race, and the prize money on offer, you can expect to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a young greyhound showing city-class potential.

Click here to find out how much money your greyhound can win. 

Assessing how long the greyhound may continue to race, and its potential to race in the city (520m metres and beyond), should weigh heavily on how much to pay for a ready to race greyhound.

Greyhounds are available for sale on the following websites:

First time buyers are advised to seek guidance, or enter into a partnership, with people in the greyhound industry to help source a suitable greyhound.















An opportunity to tap into decades of greyhound knowledge in regards to pup purchases, potentially successful matings, and all things greyhound racing can be accessed via David Brasch through his Pedigrees By Design.

David has lived greyhound racing for more than four decades, personally knows all the major players in the industry, and his unbiased views and recommendations are always available as a guide to entering this wonderful racing industry.