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New OTT Owner Welcome Pack

Congratulations on becoming the proud new owner of a Queensland OTT horse!

We know you will have many happy, wonderful years together with your new horse. To help you get off to the right start, QOTT is delighted to be able to offer eligible horses and their new owners a  “New OTT Owner Welcome Pack”.

QOTT and our generous partners Bang For Your Back, Cavalor Equicare and Poseidon Animal Health have developed a Welcome Pack for all new owners of eligible OTT horses in Queensland. This pack is designed to assist your horse’s transition into their life after racing.

The New OTT Owner Welcome Pack includes the following:

  • 1 x QOTT branded Ripstock Combo Rug from Bang For Your Buck;
  • Poseidon Animal Health Welcome Pack - 1 x 4kg Digestive EQ, 1 x 60ml Stress Paste.
  • Cavalor Equicare Welcome Pack - 1 x Cavalor Equi Wash Bottle (500ml), 1 x Cavalor Leather Soap Bottle (500ml), 1 x Cavalor Star Shine Bottle (500ml), 1 x Cavalor Podoguard Tin (500ml), 1 x Cavalor Electroliq Balance Bottle (1000ml) and Cavalor branded cap and socks; and
  • 1 x $100 feed redemption via a digital gift card when you purchase 5 x 20kg or 25kg bags of Pryde’s EasiFeed products.



  • You must be a member of the QOTT Clubhouse. If you haven't already, CLICK HERE to join.
  • Your OTT horse is eligible for a New OTT Owner Welcome Pack if they meet the following criteria:
  1. is a Thoroughbred or Standardbred that has been, or is eligible to be, registered for thoroughbred racing or harness racing in Australia; and
  2. a decision has been made not to race the horse, or the horse has retired directly from racing, race training and/or breeding within the twelve (12) months prior to the date of application; and
  3. the horse:
    • was bred in Queensland but was unraced; or
    • has started in an official barrier trial or race in Queensland, and was domiciled in Queensland at the time of its retirement; or
    • is a retired broodmare or stallion, and was domiciled in Queensland at the time of its retirement; or
    • has been directly rehomed from a QOTT Acknowledged Retrainer Program.


Every eligible horse is entitled to one (1) New OTT Owner Welcome Pack in its lifetime. So if your new Queensland OTT horse meets the eligibility criteria above, make sure you apply today! View Terms and Conditions here.




The Queensland Off-The-Track Clubhouse and its benefits would not be possible without the support of our valued partners.



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