At The Heart Of Racing - Melissa Kendall & Phil Chappenden

3 July 2020


Moreton Bay owners and trainers, Melissa Kendall and Phil Chappenden, stumbled upon harness racing by chance and before they knew it their passion became part of their livelihood.

By day, Melissa works as a Spinal and Brain Injury Researcher with Queensland Health while Phil works at a local landscape company and manages a produce store. 

Together with their son Zach, the 2020 BOTRA Young Drivers Champion, the couple run a small but successful team with 18 horses in work.

During COVID-19, the couple have worked hard to continue to serve the community in their essential day to day work, all while continuing to train and compete their Standardbreds. 

While the thrill of the win has by no means waned, what Melissa enjoys most is being able to work with young horses and understand how to get the best out of their ability.

Melissa and Phil have been in love with the sport of harness racing for many years and they dedicate their lives to their horses and the thrill of racing in Queensland.