Rockhampton Lure Rail Replacement Project

30 July 2020

Racing Queensland (RQ) advises that, based on the work and contractor freedoms currently permitted under Queensland’s Covid-19 protocols, the lure rail and post replacement project for the Rockhampton Greyhound Racing Club is programmed to commence on 13 August 2020.

The current rail has been in place for 37 years and subjected to flooding over its time, making this upgrade fundamentally essential.

The project is expected to take three weeks to complete, with irrigation, landscaping, and a track renovation, also to be undertaken during this time.

The Rockhampton Greyhound Racing Club will not race whilst the works are in progress. The scheduled Rockhampton race meetings on Wednesday 19 August 2020, Wednesday 26 August 2020, and Wednesday 2 September 2020, have been transferred to replacement Queensland greyhound venues.

The complete list of replacement meetings and timeslot changes can be seen below:

Wednesday 19 August 2020

  • Capalaba to race in the Albion Park twilight timeslot
  • Albion Park to race in the Rockhampton night timeslot

Wednesday 26 August 2020

  • Ipswich to race in the Rockhampton night timeslot

Friday 28 August 2020

  • Bundaberg to race in the Ipswich Day timeslot

Wednesday 2 September 2020

  • Capalaba to race in the Albion Park twilight timeslot
  • Albion Park to race in the Rockhampton night timeslot

Race programs for these meetings will be published on the RQ website shortly.

It is expected that the Rockhampton Greyhound Racing Club will resume racing on Wednesday 9 September 2020 following installation and testing of the new lure rail.

For more information please contact Racing Queensland via email