Capalaba Wednesday Race Meetings

20 October 2020

Racing Queensland advises stakeholders that Capalaba greyhounds will commence fortnightly Wednesday meetings from 18 November 2020.

The Capalaba Wednesday race meeting will be staged in a late morning/early afternoon timeslot.

The fortnightly Wednesday meetings will replace the current fortnightly Friday meetings.

The purpose of moving from Friday to Wednesday is to provide a longer gap into the Capalaba Sunday meeting to increase the proportion of greyhounds competing at both meetings.

The additional race meetings at Capalaba will deliver positive industry outcomes in the form of increased returns to participants and increased wagering turnover whilst meeting the animal welfare commitment to provide more straight racing opportunities.   

Updated programs for November will be available on the Racing Queensland website shortly, and in the November edition of the Chase magazine.

For more information please contact RQ on 07 3869 9400.