Local Rules of Racing All Codes – Rules of Betting
Racing Queensland will adopt new Rules of Betting from next month.
Effective from May 1, 2022, the Rules relate to bookmakers licensed by the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission, and bookmakers’ business operations.
The adoption of the new Rules follows an extensive review of all existing Rules of Racing relating to bookmakers, namely the:
- Local Rules of Racing (All Codes) Bookmaker Betting;
- Local Rules (Thoroughbred Racing);
- Local Rules of Racing (Greyhound Racing); and
- Local Rules of Racing (Harness Racing).
The review was undertaken collaboratively with the QRIC as the body who licenses and regulates bookmakers, and also with input from the Queensland Bookmakers’ Association through that body’s President.
During the initial review process, it became evident that it would not be appropriate to make minor amendments to the existing Rules, given there were large amounts of duplication between the documents and certain areas that lacked fluency.
As a result, a redrafting process was undertaken.
The draft Rules of Betting were issued for public consultation in late December 2021, with particular focus on seeking feedback from relevant stakeholders.
Following consideration of consultation feedback, formal consultation was then undertaken with the QRIC and the Chief Executive of the government department responsible for administering the Racing Act 2002, as required under the legislation.
As a consequence, effective May 1, 2022, all existing bookmaker betting rules contained within the individual code rules are rescinded and the Local Rules of Racing (All Codes) Bookmaker Betting are deleted in their entirety, and they are replaced by the new Local Rules of Racing All Codes – Rules of Betting.
Click here to view the new Rules of Betting.