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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 12 Feb Good 4


+5m Entire


Good 4 Pen 6.7

Nil last 24hrs, 1mm last 7 days

6mm last 24hrs, 33mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 7:34am Monday 13 February
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 12/2 - 7:45am


Tue 07/02/23 11:00am


Wed 08/02/23 03:00pm


Thu 09/02/23 10:00am


Thu 09/02/23 12:00pm


Sun 12/02/23 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8

WEATHER – FINE  TRACK RATING – GOOD 4                  RAIL – 5M
Chairman of Stewards – J Williamson
Stewards – R Hitchener, R Hanson, S Fletcher, D McMahon
Clerk of Scales – J Robinson
Judge – P Chilton
Veterinarian – Dr G Cavanough
Swab Attendants – J Pedofsky, J Crompton
Starter – S Tou
Stewards approved the following overweight allowances at today’s meeting-
Race 1- DESTINATION SYDNEY- M Gray +1kg.
Race 5- GOBLIN’ DE QUO- D Smith + 1/2kg.
Race 5- YUKUTSK- G Geran + 1kg.
Race 7- ILLECEBROUS + 1kg.
Race 1: REED RACING QTIS Two-Year-Old Maiden Plate 1000 metres
MY SPY- Bumped on jumping. Raced greenly.
DON'T CHA WISH- App. B Wheeler was reprimanded for using his whip on 6 occasions prior to the 100m. AR132(7)(a)(ii).
ONYABIKE CHARLIE- Near the 900m was steadied to avoid the heels of DON’T CHA WISH (B Wheeler) which shifted in when not completely clear. App Wheeler was advised to exercise more care.
REVITUP CHARLIE- Over-raced whilst being restrained in the early stages.
SHE'S SO SWANK- Began awkwardly. A post-race Veterinary examination of the filly which tailed off failed to reveal any abnormalities.
Race 2: BOLD DESIGN KITCHENS Maiden Handicap 1800 metres
DIVINE CHARM- Cast its off fore plate in running.
WYATT RIVER- Laid out for the majority, particularly when placed under pressure in the home straight. Jockey T Marshall was advised that in similar circumstances he would be required to stop riding and straighten his mounts when shifting ground under pressure.
PERFECT IMPACT- Raced wide until a point near the 1300m, where restrained to a position with cover at the rear of the field.
SEA KISSED- Slow into stride.
SHE SHALL RULE- Slow to begin.
Race 3: SECURE ACCESS PTY LTD BENCHMARK 58 Handicap 1800 metres
DAUVENAY- Jockey A Mallyon was reprimanded for using his whip on 6 occasions prior to the 100m. AR132(7)(a)(ii).
FIREBOX- After being caught wide in the early stages was restrained to a rearward position with cover near the 1200m. Momentarily held up rounding the home turn.
BOUT- Jockey B Thornton was reprimanded for using his whip on 7 occasions prior to the 100m. AR132(7)(a)(ii).
GENERAL WOLFFE- Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
THE HOUSEMAN- After being caught wide in the early stages, was allowed to stride forward to obtain a position outside the leader near the 1300m.
ALPHA JANE- Had some difficulty obtaining clear running rounding the home turn, before shifting to the inside near the 350m.
KINKUNA- A post-race Veterinary examination of the gelding revealed it to have sustained an injury to the off-fore tendon. Trainer A Sawden advised it would now be the intention to retire the gelding. Nevertheless, should the gelding race again, it would require a Veterinary Clearance.
Race 4: GLOBAL TURF QTIS Three-Year-Old BENCHMARK 62 Handicap 1000 metres
GLAMBORGINI- Steadied to avoid heels near the 900m when attempting to obtain a position with cover. Severely checked form the heels SHERRIF OF LONDON near the 800m when that runner restrained in an attempt to obtain a position with cover. Raced wide with cover throughout.
KWINERN- Held up from rounding the home turn until a point near the 350m.
PRIMED FOR VICTORY- Steadied near the 800m when placed in restricted room.
TEQUILA DANCER- Had difficulty obtaining clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
MR ENCORE- Performed below market expectation. A post-race Veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be couching. Trainer L Birchley was advised he would be required to obtain a Veterinary certificate including the results of an endoscopic examination.  
SHERIFF OF LONDON- Raced wide without cover throughout.
Race 5: FINCIERGE Class 1 Handicap 1000 metres
HEY BIG SPLENDA- Awkwardly placed at heels between the 600m and the 400m when GOBLIN’ DE QUO shifted out.
MARCH AS ONE- Trainer Mr J Laing was reprimanded for the late rider declaration of B Thompson as the geldings rider. LR67(1). Raced wide without cover throughout.
YAKUTSK- Raced wide throughout.
SCRUFF'N'STUFF- Slow to begin.
HURRICANE HALL- Slow to begin.
Race 6: ESPRIT RACING Maiden Plate 1200 metres
AL ASH LAD- Raced wide with cover for the majority. Checked to avoid heels near the 600m.
BRONZE DRAGON– Blundered on jumping.
CANNY IMPACT- Bumped heavily on jumping and became unbalanced.
CONTI- Slow to begin. Held up rounding the home turn.
FIGHTING IDOL– Raced wide without cover throughout. Bumped and forced wider near the 600m.
MAGURO- Whilst racing keenly near the 600m, became awkwardly placed on heels and was obliged to shift wider for a short distance. As a result inconvenienced FIGHTING IDOL. Steadied to avoid heels over the concluding stages.
RIDEAU- Raced ungenerously for a considerable distance in the early stages and put in a number of awkward strides. Over the concluding stages shifted out abruptly away from CONTI. Trainer K Fogden was advised the colt would be required to officially barrier trial to the satisfaction of Stewards prior to next racing.
CALL ME HILTON- Inconvenienced and had to be steadied over the concluding stages. Rider dropped his whip leaving the 200m.
SADDLES- Tightened for room and eased near the 700m when CONTI shifted out marginally.
DAULAT TAMAKAHGAO - Bumped on jumping and as a result became unbalanced. Raced ungenerously passing the 900m whilst being restrained.  
GLENGARRY- Cast its off-hind plate in running. Jockey S Collett reported on return to scale that the gelding may have pulled up in a distressed state. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.  
Race 7: SUNCOAST MARINE ELECTRICAL Class 3 Handicap1400 metres
PRIME ASSET- Turned its head in the barriers just prior to the start being affected was slow to begin and as a result settled further back than anticipated.
MAXIE TAP- Declared a late scratching at 2:30pm acting on Veterinary advise after being found to be lame in the off-fore hoof on arrival at the track.
FASTLING- App. K Wilson-Taylor advised that it was not his intention to lead however with the addition of blinkers to the gelding’s gear, it commenced to over-race from shortly after the start without being pressured by himself and as a result established a considerable lead over the remainder of the field. Trainer T Thomas advised that the gelding had worked comfortably in preparation for today’s event with blinkers on, however based on the racing manners of the gelding today he would now remove the blinkers for the horses gear. Mr Thomas added it would be the intention for the gelding to be ridden with cover as per is established racing pattern at future starts.  
EARN OUT- Bumped and became unbalanced near the 1200m.
SIDEWALK- Near the 1200m, when shifting to a position closer to the rail bumped EARN OUT and became unbalanced.
Race 8: TAB BENCHMARK 68 Handicap 1200 metres
BEAU IDEAL- Slow to begin. Forced wider near the 800m and as a result raced wide without cover for the remainder.
MOUNT FUJI- App. B Wheeler was reprimanded for using his whip on 6 occasions prior to the 100m. AR132(7)(a)(ii).
MOST IMPRESSIVE- App. K Wilson-Taylor was unable to offer any explanation in relation to the below market expectation performance. A post-race Veterinary examination revealed the mare to be suffering from respiratory distress. Trainer D Vandyke was advised he would be required to obtain a Veterinary certificate including the resulted of an endoscopic examination prior to next racing.
BELISTIC MAN- When asked to comment on the seemingly improved performance trainer Mr T Miller advised that at the geldings 2 most recent starts it was unable to lead and dictate the pace of the race and as a result raced below his expectations. Mr Miller added that once able to lead today’s event he was not surprised to see far improved performance. Stewards noted the explanation.  
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 1- Bailey Wheeler- Use of whip on 6 occasions prior to the 100m. AR132(7)(a)(ii).
Race 3- Andrew Mallyon- Use of whip on 6 occasions prior to the 100m. AR132(7)(a)(ii).
Race 3- Boris Thornton- Use of whip on 7 occasions prior to the 100m. AR132(7)(a)(ii).
Race 5- Jack Laing- Late rider declaration. LR 67(1).
Race 8- Bailey Wheeler- Use of whip on 6 occasions prior to the 100m. AR132(7)(a)(ii).
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 3- KINKUNA- Tendon injury off-fore leg. Vet cert required.
Race 4- MR ENCORE- Cough post race. Vet cert including results of endoscopic examination required.
Race 6- RIDEAU- Racing manners- Official barrier trial required.
Race 7- MAXIE TAP- Lame off fore hoof pre-race. Vet cert required.
Race 8- MOST IMPRESSIVE- Vet cert including results on an endoscopic examination required.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 3:         6 BOUT - Boris Thornton
Race 5:         5 MARCH AS ONE - Ben Thompson
Race 6:         20 CALL ME HILTON - Taylor Marshall
                    23 DAULAT TAMAKAHGAO - Ms Hannah Richardson
                    24 GLENGARRY - Ms Samantha Collett
Late scratchings
Race 7- MAXIE TAP- Veterinary advice @ 2:30pm.
The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to an internal or external review.  The outcome of any internal review is published on the Commission’s website immediately after the release of the internal review decision to the Applicant.  External reviews are managed by QCAT and are not published on the Commission’s website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.