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Brisbane Racing Club@Doomben

Doomben Metropolitan

Wed 08 Jun Soft 5


+8.5 metres Entire Course


Soft 5 Pen 5.7

Nil last 24hrs, 10mm last 7 days

Nil last 24 hours, 3mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 2:03pm Thursday 09 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 8/6 - 7.45am - Late Rider Replacement R1 N9
TRACK INFO: Strong Westerly winds


Thu 02/06/22 12:00pm


Fri 03/06/22 03:00pm


Mon 06/06/22 09:00am


Mon 06/06/22 12:00pm


Wed 08/06/22 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

WEATHER – Fine  TRACK RATING – Soft 5           RAIL – 8.5 meters entire
Chairman of Stewards – D Aurisch
Stewards – J Adams, K Daly, P Kennedy
Clerk of Scales – J Mitchell
Judge – M Mahwhinney, R Thomas, A Redding
Veterinarian – Dr S Flynn
Swab Attendants – A Challen, J Pedofsky
Starter – S Lister, H Anderson
As T Brooker was ill, Stewards permitted riding changes as per the Race Day summary sheet.
Race 1: RACECOURSE VILLAGE QTIS Two-Year-Old Maiden Plate
1350 metres
BETTER CLASS – Over-raced in the early and middle stages when racing three wide without cover.
JUSTSAY – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
STATE A FACT – Bumped heavily at the start and lost ground.
AFFECTIONATE – Brushed when MEDIA SCANDAL shifted out near the 250m.
MEDIA SCANDAL – Jumped in at the start. Held up from the 500m before shifting out near the 250m to obtain clear running and as a result brushed with AFFECTIONATE.
PERFECT NIGHT OUT – Slow to begin.
Race 2: MOUNT FRANKLIN Maiden Plate 1350 metres
BEAUREGARD – Fractious after being loaded into the barriers. Laid in under pressure in the home straight. When asked to comment on the performance rider J Orman stated the horse settled one pair further back than anticipated in the run, adding that it had been a month since its most recent start and that in his opinion BEAUREGARD would derive fitness benefit today’s race.  A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
CYCLONE BLACKIE – Raced three wide without cover for the majority of the event.
LANDSBOROUGH LAD – Laid out under pressure in the home straight.
OSO GOOD – Slow to begin.
SEA OF QI – Slow to begin. Raced three wide in the early stages of the event.
OSLEN – Slow to begin. Raced three wide with cover for the majority of the event.
RAMOKA – Over-raced when being restrained in the early and middle stages.
CRAYPOT – Approaching the 300m momentarily became awkwardly placed at the heels of SEA OF QI which laid out.
Race 3: TAB VENUE MODE BENCHMARK 72 Handicap 1650 metres
Correct weight was delayed allowing M Wishart, rider of third placegetter BLACKLOG, to view the patrol footage in the home straight. After doing so she elected to take the matter no further.
AMERICANA MAGIC – Bumped with MOSSHIKI near the 600m.
MOSSHIKI – Put in an awkward stride near the 1500m and became unbalanced. Bumped with AMERICANA MAGIC near the 600m. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant abnormalities. A swab sample was taken from MOSSHIKI.
BLACKLOG – Crowded and buffeted between runners on jumping and lost ground. Held up rounding the home turn and in the early stages of the home straight. Disappointed for a run near the 150 metres between BAMBALAM and GIVEITALLALI, which laid in under pressure, before shifting out across heels a short distance later to obtain clear running.
BAMBALAM – Jumped in at the start. Raced three wide in the early stages.
Race 4: SKY RACING QTIS Three-Year-Old BENCHMARK 70 Handicap
1050 metres
ZA HIDDEN DRAGON – Held up for clear running approaching and rounding the home turn.
I'M NOT SLEW – Bumped at the start. Raced three wide without cover throughout.
LIME SODA – From the wide barrier was restrained shortly after the start to a rearward position closer to the rails. B Stewart, rider of LIME SODA, was reprimanded under AR132(7)(a)(ii) for use of the whip six times prior to the 100m, one more than permitted.
TIKKA READY – Jumped out at the start and bumped I’M NOT SLEW.
Race 5: GALLOPERS SPORTS CLUB Class 5 Handicap 1050 metres
DUSTY TYCOON – Began awkwardly. Raced three wide without cover for the majority of the event. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
JETSKI – Slow to begin.
DONANDKIM – Slow to begin.
RED RUBI – Slow to begin. Held up for clear running until near the 300m.
MOONAN JOYCE – Over-raced in the early stages when leading the event. Between the 600m and the 250m raced in restricted room to the inside of BOMBSAY. K Wison-Taylor, rider of BOMBSAY, was reprimanded under AR131(a) for carelessness in this incident.
ALL STARS – Raced three wide with cover for the majority of the event.
ZUMIKON – Inclined to lay in when held up for clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
Race 6: XXXX DRY BENCHMARK 68 Handicap 1200 metres
PENASQUITO – Passing the 900m laid in across the heels of MAGNUS BELLAGIO and had to be steadied. Raced wide for the majority of the event.
APPLECROSS – Slow to begin. Raced three wide with cover from the 800m.
DIXON BAY – When asked to comment on the performance rider J Orman stated and the horse put in several awkward strides behind and appeared to lock up in action shortly after the start and never travelled comfortably from that point. A post-race veterinary examination of DIXON BAY revealed no abnormalities at time of examination, however trainer G Heinrich was advised DIXON BAY would require a veterinary clearance prior to its next race start.
MAGIC ON ICE – Raced three wide for the majority of the event.
THE DRILLER – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Crowded for room near the 800m when DIXON BAY was taken in by MAGIC ON ICE, which laid in despite the efforts of its rider. Held up on heels approaching the home turn.
DARING BELLE – Held up for clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
BOFORS – Began awkwardly.
Race 7: THE BROWN COLLECTIVE Class 1 Handicap 1200 metres
MOUNT FUJI – Held up on the heels of KERRISDALE in the early stages of the home straight.
LAMBDOMA ENERGY – Began awkwardly. Raced wide in the early stages.
COLLEAGUES – Jumped out at the start and bumped A BIG CHANCE. Held up in the early stages of the home straight.

FEARNOUGHT – From the wide barrier was restrained shortly after the start to a rearward position closer to the rails.
QUEENSLANDER – When asked to comment on the performance rider S Thornton stated the horse travelled comfortably during the race however when placed under pressure failed to respond to her riding.
JEEHAAN – Slow to begin.
KERRISDALE – Slow to begin.
VOODOO MISS – Slow to begin. Commenced to hang out shortly after the start and took no competitive part in the event. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities. Trainer D Vandyke was advised VOODOO MISS must trial prior to its next race start.
A BIG CHANCE – Bumped at the start.
Race 8: MULLINS LAWYERS BENCHMARK 78 Handicap 1350 metres
SNITZIFY – Slow to begin then crowded between runners.  Raced three wide with cover from the 800m. When asked to comment on the performance L Kilner stated intentions were to race handy, however after being slow to begin and then hampered a short distance later, the horse settled further back than anticipated and then raced ungenerously for a short distance near the 800m. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
SNEAK PREVIEW – Held up rounding the home turn.
AZARMIN – Jumped in at the start and bumped SHADOW OF TIME.
SWANSTON – Began awkwardly.
COULDN'T REFUSE – Slow to begin. Held in the early stages of the home straight until securing clear running near the 200m before again being held up and unable to improve over the concluding stages.
GUNNOBE – Jumped out at the start and bumped BROKEN HERO.
STOKED – Raced three wide with cover for the majority of the event. Laid in for a short distance near the 200m.
BROKEN HERO – Bumped at the start.
SHADOW OF TIME – Bumped at the start. Over-raced in the early stages when being restrained. Raced three wide without cover for the majority of the event.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4: B Stewart – AR132(7)(a)(ii) – use of whip 6 times prior to 100m (3rd offence).
Race 5: K Wilson-Taylor – AR131(a) – careless riding
Absent jockeys
Tiffani Brooker – ill - medical certificate required
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners plus MOSSHIKI
Race 6: DIXON BAY – locked up behind – vet clearance
Race 7: VOODOO MISS – hung out badly, uncompetitive – official trial
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1: PERFECT NIGHT OUT – T Harrison
The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to an internal or external review.  The outcome of any internal review is published on the Commission’s website immediately after the release of the internal review decision to the Applicant.  External reviews are managed by QCAT and are not published on the Commission’s website. 
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.