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Mackay Turf Club

Mackay Provincial

Fri 16 Jul Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 4.8

Nil last 24hrs, 4mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 18mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:01am Saturday 17 July
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 16/7 - 7:45am


Mon 12/07/21 11:00am


Tue 13/07/21 03:00pm


Wed 14/07/21 10:00am


Wed 14/07/21 12:00pm


Fri 16/07/21 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2, 3, 5

WEATHER – Fine            TRACK RATING –  Good 4          RAIL – True
Chairman of Stewards – C Allison
Stewards – J Adams, C Warren, D Lane and E Suli
Clerk of Scales – A Warry
Judge – S Bryant
Veterinarian – Dr B Pullen
Swab Attendants – N Paull
Starter – J Cullen
COUTESY BUS, CINNAMON MISSILE, BREAK MY STRIDE, ART ATTACK, RIGHT OR WRONG and RAIDEN were all inspected by the veterinarian and cleared to race after starting within the previous seven days.
Race 1: MCDONALD MURPHY MACHINERY P/L Maiden Plate 1300 metres
MAN ONA MISSION – Slow to begin. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
MISHANI PATRIOT – Raced wide throughout the event.
MOUNT DUMARESQ – Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
PRINCE OF MOROCCO – A post-race veterinary examination revealed lacerations to both hind legs.
SIR ARCHIBALD – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
BEYOND REPROACH – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Held up for clear running on entering the home straight until passing the 200m and was obliged to shift out to improve.
MORATA – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
SNEAKY GAL – Jumped away awkwardly and was slow into stride. Raced wide throughout the event. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
Race 2: MACKAY CUP SAT 24TH JULY QTIS Three-Years-Old Handicap 1300 metres
COURTESY BUS – Rider A Butler reported that in his opinion the gelding felt flat and may not have appreciated the back up from Rockhampton on the 10th ofJuly 2021.
BOONA BOY – Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
MANIFICA – Raced wide throughout the event.
STRUMAN – Slow to begin. Laid out when placed under pressure in the straight.
Race 3: SMARTSTATE RENTALS BM65 Handicap 1300 metres
FANAAR (NZ) – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
LIFETIME QUEST – Raced wide throughout the event.
EMMA'S JET – Jumped away awkwardly.
DIXIE PREACHER – Slow to begin. When questioned in relation to the performance of the gelding jockey B Pengelly stated that his mount failed to respond to his riding on entering the home straight and ran to the line in a disappointing manner. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
DOUBLE DENMAN – Had difficulty obtaining clear running for a number of strides passing the 100m.
KEIGHLEY SUN – Was declared a late scratching at 11.52am by order of the stewards under AR249(3). An inquiry was opened and adjourned to a time and date to be fixed.
Race 4: AB LONG MAY WE PLAY BM55 Handicap 1100 metres
SPRINGTHORPE – Jumped away awkwardly. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
BONDI BEAU – Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
MAN O' ROSS – Slow to begin.
CABALO ESCURO – Reared on jumping away and as a result was slow to begin.
BILL 'N' TED – Raced in restricted room on entering the home straight after SEBERTON laid in when insufficiently clear. Jockey C. Spry (SEBERTON) was reminded of his obligations to stop and straighten his mount when they shift ground in future.
SEBERTON – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Raced wide in the early and middle stages. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight. When questioned in relation to his riding out of the gelding over the concluding stages Jockey C Spry stated that he had concerns with the action of SEBERTON and as such elected to not place the gelding under pressure in the final 100m. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding had bled from both nostrils. As this was the first occasion Trainer T Bannon was advised of the provisions of AR79(4).
ALL NATIVE – Jumped away awkwardly.
STOLEN DIAMONDS – Momentarily inconvenienced on entering the home straight when awkwardly placed on the heels of INVISIBLE GIRL.
Race 5:S.H. TAIT & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BM70 Handicap 1050 metres
AMERICAN GENIUS – Raced wide throughout the event. Apprentice O. Kendal was reprimanded under AR132(7)(a)(ii) for using her whip on six occasions prior to the 100m one more than permitted. In determining penalty stewards took into account this was Apprentice Kendal’s second offence since August 2020.
ASHTON BLAIR – Approaching the 600m had to be steadied after improving onto the heels of GENOA.
GAMBOA – Raced wide throughout the event.
TABATHA MISS – Was declared a late scratching at 3.06pm after refusing to load. Deductions applicable to bets placed on the winner and placegetters prior to 3.06pm were as following: 
Win Bets GAMBOA - 9 cents
Place Bets GAMBOA - 5 cents
Place Bets (2nd) MORENO - 10 cents
Place Bets (3rd) AMERICAN GNIUS - 15 cents
All monies bet after the Stewards' declaration of withdrawal to be paid at face value of ticket.
Trainer J. Manzelmann was advised that TABATHA MISS would be required to gain a further barrier certificate.
WHICH LILY – A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
BLAZING STEEL – Passing the 400m laid in and became awkwardly placed on the heels of ASHTON BLAIR. Momentarily inconvenienced passing the 150m after becoming awkwardly placed on heels.
Race 6: TARCUT FLOWERS BM60 Handicap 1800 metres
Correct weight was delayed to allow Stewards and Jockey C Jokic to view the Stewards patrol footage in relation to the start to ascertain if JOHNNY WHITESOX was denied a fair start. After taking evidence it was ascertained that as the start was affected, JOHNNY WHITESOX reared as the barrier attendant was holding onto the gelding’s bridle. The Stewards were of the opinion that this was due to the mannerisms of the gelding and correct weight was declared on the judges numbers.
ROCK 'N' SOL – Trainer T Cook advised it was his intention to give the gelding a brief spell prior to resuming racing.
BOOM GATE – Rider B. Pengelly reported that the gelding felt awkward in its action and as such failed to place BOOM GATE under pressure over the concluding stages. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
JOHNNY WHITESOX – Jumped away awkwardly and was slow to begin. Overraced in the early and middle stages.
DAWSON DELIGHT – Overraced in the middle stages.
BOLD INSPIRATION – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
TAVI MCBRIDE (NZ) – Raced wide during the early stages the event.
NO HARM DONE – Passing the crossing raced in restricted room for a number of strides after MONSTER OF POWER laid in while racing greenly.
ANNMARIE – Apprentice A Donald was reminded of her obligations to ride her mounts out fully to the finish.
MONSTOR OF POWER – Raced greenly in the early stages when racing in restricted room.
EXELANT MOSH – Raced ungenerously in the early stages.
Race 7: BLACKS REAL ESTATE H.L. MEMORIAL OPEN Handicap 1800 metres
SHIRANDA – Passing the 1400m had to be restrained to avoid the heels of BUSTER BLOCK which shifted in when insufficiently clear. Jockey P Cullen (BUSTER BLOCK) plead guilty to a charge of careless riding AR131(a) and had his license to ride in races suspended for eight days to commence midnight 17th July 2021 to midnight 25th July 2021.
UNBIASED – Momentarily inconvenienced approaching the winning post.
PLANET WARRIOR – Trainer O Cairns was fined $100 pursuant to LR67 for the late rider notification of L Tilley.
BUSTER BLOCK – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Momentarily inconvenienced passing the 300m. Rider P. Cullen had his license to ride in races suspended for a period of nine days under AR132(5) for using his whip on 25 occasions throughout the event. Jockey Cullen was suspended from midnight 25th July 2021 to midnight 3rd August 2021. In determining penalty stewards took into account this was Jockey Cullen’s first offence since 8 August 2020.
DORDOGNE – Jumped away awkwardly. Laid in during the early stages of the event and overraced in the early and middle stages.
CINNAMON MISSILE – Held up early stages of the home straight. Laid in over the concluding stages.
MONSIEUR MACRON (NZ) – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
PROANE – Jumped away awkwardly and was slow to begin.
ART ATTACK – Raced wide throughout the event.
Race 8: TAB NEWMARKET Handicap 1300 metres
LAST CHANCE – Dipped on jumping away. Rider A Butler was questioned regarding his tactics after improving to the lead shortly after the start. Mr Butler advised after settling handy from a wide draw he elected to press forward to avoid being caught wide and also due to the lack of early speed.
BRAD – Lost near fore plate in running.
RIGHT OR WRONG – Rider T. Brooker had her license to ride in races suspended for a period of 15 days under AR132(5) for using her whip on 18 occasions throughout the event. Jockey Brooker was suspended from midnight 18th July 2021 to midnight 2nd August 2021. In determining penalty stewards took into account this was Ms Brooker’s fifth offence since 8 August 2021.
BULLION WOLF – Raced wide throughout the event.
RAIDEN – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
BOLD STYLE – Laid out for a number of strides on entering the home straight.
STAR OF O'REILLY (NZ) – Hampered on jumping away and as a result was slow into stride.
FRATELLINO – Raced wide throughout the event. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
REVENIRE – Raced wide throughout the event.
TAWHIRI – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 5.         Olivia Kendal – Apprentice Jockey – AR132(7)(a)(ii) – Use of whip on 6 occasions prior to 100m (2nd offence).
Race 7.         Olivia Cairns – Trainer - Late rider notification – LR67 - $100

Race 7.         Peter Cullen – Jockey – Careless riding – AR131(a) – 8 days – from midnight 17/6/21 to midnight 25/7/21
Race 7.         Peter Cullen – Jockey – Excessive use of whip on 25 occasions – AR132(5) - 9 days – from midnight 25/7/21 to midnight 3/8/21 (1st Offence)
Race 8.         Tiffani Brooker – Jockey - Excessive use of whip on 18 occasions – AR132(5) - 15 days – from m/night 28/7/21 to 12/8/21 (5th Offence)
Race day injuries/illness
Absent jockeys
Adjourned inquiries         
Race 3.         Ricky Gudge – Trainer – Late scratching of KEIGHLEY SUN.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Race 1.         WEST WING
Race 3.         KEIGHLEY SUN
Race 6.         REBEL LAKE
Race 7.         PLANET WARRIOR
Race 8.         BRAD
                     BOLD STYLE
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 4.         SEBERTON – Bilateral bleed – 3 months ban and 1000m gallop - AR79(4)
Race 5:         TABATHA MISS – Barrier Certificate – AR20(e)
Race 4.         SEBERTON – Bilateral bled (1st occasion)
Adjourned inquiries
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.         ZEBLAN – Scott Sheargold
Race 6.         EXELANT MOSH – Scott Sheargold
Race 7.         PLANET WARRIOR – Les Tilley
Late scratchings
Race 3.         KEIGHLEY SUN – 11.52am – Order of stewards.
Race 5.         TABATHA MISS – 3.06pm – Refused to load.
Published subject to correction upon revision